
RJRVC is based on a fundamental set of values, and these values guide the relationships we enjoy with the many suppliers who provide goods and services. Reynolds American Inc. is the U.S. parent company of RJRVC.
Procurement’s Mission
It is the RAI Group’s Procurement Team’s (Procurement) prime objective to support corporate growth and improved productivity through strategic purchasing. Procurement provides guidance, leadership and responsive customer service through the use of industry best practices in our procurement process to ensure an adequate supply of a wide variety of goods and services at a combination of price, quality and service level that meets or exceeds our client’s requirements.
Buying Practices
It is the policy of RJRVC to contract for goods and services in a way that ensures best overall value. RJRVC contracts with those suppliers who satisfy the company’s objectives of obtaining quality goods and services in a timely manner and meeting specifications with competitive prices.
In so doing, RJRVC, as a matter of principle, conducts its expenditure contracting activities with due regard to applicable laws, regulations, international agreements and conventions, internal policies and competitive tendering processes. RJRVC does this in such a way as to convey its high standards of professionalism and business ethics to the external community.
For more information on related laws and information on requirements in doing business with a tobacco company, or to register to express your interest in doing business with RJRVC, please visit the following links:
Sourcing Suppliers
We value relationships with our suppliers. As we source goods and services, we rely on the professionalism and expertise that suppliers provide. Suppliers play an essential role in obtaining continuous improvements in quality, price and service levels.
Our sourcing processes aim to deliver maximum value to all stakeholders. We look to our suppliers to deliver innovative products and services that help us differentiate ourselves in the marketplace and create lasting competitive advantage. The value that comes from having a diverse group of suppliers is clear. We encourage our buyers to seek out new and diverse suppliers as they source materials and services, to ensure a consistent flow of new and innovative ideas.
Suppliers may be identified from past experience with RJRVC, industry directories, Internet, industry and association information sources including catalogues and journals, trade shows and conferences.
Eligibility standards have been developed for suppliers, which includes, among others:
- Auditable financial strength
- Proven capacity to meet contractual obligations
- Guaranteed capability for full and continuous supply
- Assurance that requirements will be met through implemented, auditable, quality plans
- Reputable track record in supplier’s area of expertise
If a business qualifies, it may be invited to bid for work.
Negotiation of Contracts
Following the initial registration process, potential suppliers will be evaluated against current suppliers, and one or more suppliers that best fit RJRVC’s overall needs may be invited to submit proposals or enter into negotiations, which may lead to the formulation of a formal contract.
Generally, end users are not authorized to enter into agreements with suppliers. Suppliers who provide goods or services before a purchase order/contract is in place and contracted suppliers who perform work beyond the scope of the existing contract, do so at their own risk.
RJRVC values the special relationship it has with its suppliers and welcomes entertaining proposals or initiatives by suppliers that contribute to increased productivity and good purchasing management.
If you are interested in selling your goods or services to RJRVC, please contact Procurement at Please note that any other requests cannot and will not be addressed via this email address.