FDA Issues MDO for Vuse Vibe Tank Menthol 3.0% and Vuse Ciro Cartridge Menthol 1.5%

24 January 2023

Today, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) has issued Marketing Denial Orders (“MDOs”) for two Vuse products—the Vuse Vibe Tank Menthol 3.0% and the Vuse Ciro Cartridge Menthol 1.5%.

FDA determined that the applications lacked sufficient evidence to demonstrate that permitting the marketing of the products would be appropriate for the protection of the public health, which is the applicable standard legally required by the 2009 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act.

A Reynolds spokesperson said: 

“We are disappointed in FDA’s decision to issue MDOs for two Vuse products—the Vuse Vibe Tank Menthol 3.0% and the Vuse Ciro Cartridge Menthol 1.5%. We intend to seek a stay of enforcement immediately and will pursue other appropriate avenues to allow Vuse to continue offering its innovative products to adult nicotine consumers age 21+ without interruption. 

“We believe that menthol vapour products are critical to helping adult smokers migrate away from combustible cigarettes. FDA’s decision, if allowed to go into effect, will harm, not benefit, public health. Reynolds will challenge the denials.

“We remain confident in the quality of all of our applications, and we believe that there is ample evidence for FDA to determine that the marketing of these products is appropriate for the protection of public health.”


About Vuse and R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company:

The Vuse brand combines tobacco expertise with innovative technology to provide adult vapor consumers with alternatives to traditional tobacco products. Vuse products are marketed in the United States by R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company (RJRVC), an operating company of Reynolds American Inc., a member of the British American Tobacco Group. RJRVC is and remains committed to responsibly marketing Vuse products.

To learn more about R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company, visit www.rjrvapor.com.

To learn more about Vuse products, visit vusevapor.com